24 Jul

I've been told over and over again that I should write a book.  A book.  An entire book?  The thought of that task is incredibly daunting to me.  Overwhelming, really.  I can't imagine being able to sit long enough to pound out a 200-300 page novel. So, I listened to friends and family tell me to, "WRITE THAT BOOK", and ignored them.  Until now...

No, friends and family, I am not writing a book.  What I AM doing is recounting many of the interesting and sometimes crazy experiences and characters I've come across in my little world. 

Every story that I'm about to share on this blog is true. Every character is real. I may change a few things around for privacy sake...but rest assured, you're about to find out why I've been encouraged to tell my stories.  My life, at times, has been stranger than fiction and I hope you enjoy reading about it.

P.S.  Be patient with me.  I am by no means computer or tech savvy.  I had to google, "how to start a blog", and I'd be a liar if I said it didn't take me nearly 2 hours to upload a pic to this site...and, as you can see, that didn't turn out so well, either! Eventually I'll figure it out.

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